Emily R. Doll (2022): Treating Selective Mutism as a Speech-Language Pathologist (Plural Publishing)
Cesar E Ruiz, Evelyn R. Klein, Louis R. Chesney (2022): ECHO A Vocal Language Program for Easing Anxiety in Conversation (Plural Publishing)
Lindsey Bergman (2013): Treatment for Children with Selective Mutism: An Integrative Behavioral Approach, Therapist Guide (Oxford University Press)
M. Johnson & A.Wintgens (2016): The Selective Mutism Resource Manual 2. edition (Speechmark)
Ruth Perednik (2016, 2.painos): The Selective Mutism Treatment Guide: Manuals for Parents, Teachers and Therapists
Netistä löytyy PCIT-SM (Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Selective Mutism) nettikoulutus (Selective Mutism University-sivuilla)
Muuta kirjallisuutta
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"Can I tell you about selective mutism" Maggie Johnson ja Alison Wintgens
"Can´t Talk, Want to Talk" Jo Levett
"Unspoken words" Sophia Bulm ja Elisa Shipon-Blum
"The Loudest Roar" Clair Maskell
"My Friend Daniel Doesn´t Talk" Sharon L Longo
"Maya´s voice" Wen-wen Cheng
"Lola´s/Leo´s words dissapeared", Elaheh Bos
"My name is Eliza and I don´t talk at school" Lucy Nathanson
"Puhu, Nelli, puhu" Heidi Silvan
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